Permakultúra pre farmy je medzinárodná konferencia s medinárodnými prednášjúcimi pre skúsených i začínajúcich permakultúrnych farmárov, ktorej budú predchádzať exkurzie po farmách v 3 krajinách.
Poplatok za konferenciu: 20 EUR/deň, alebo 10 EUR/deň pri online účasti, zdarma pre prezentujúcich a pre 5 delegátov z každej krajiny Vyšehradskej dohody a Ukrajiny, ktorí sa chcú zúčastniť budovania siete permakultúrnych ukážkových fariem.
Ľudia so záujmom o permakultúru sa často pýtajú, či je permakultúra vhodný nástroj len pre malé rodinné záhrady, alebo aj pre väčšie poľnohospodárske projekty a produkčné farmy poskytujúce sebestačnosť svojim majiteľom a zdroj zdravého jedla pre celú mietnu komunitu. Táto konferencia vám dá komplexnú odpoveď na túto otázku - permakultúra to dokáže!
Účastníci získajú prehľad o globálnej situácii a perspektívach permakultúrneho farmárčenia, so zvláštnym zameraním na Strednú Európu a jej podmienky. Vypočujú si prezentácie úspešných permakultúrnych farmárov z Českej Republiky, Slovenska, Maďarska, Poľska a Ukrajiny. Permakultúrne farmy nie sú len víziou budúcnosti, je to realita!
Exkurzia po farmách
- Vyberte si, ktoré farmy chcete navštíviť
- Simultánny preklad do Angličtiny, Češtiny, Maďarčiny, Poľštiny, Slovenčiny a Ukrajinčiny
Viac sa dozviete v časti navštívené farmy.
Zastávky exkurzie
- 6. Júla, Vizovice, Czech Republic, Zahrada pro budoucnost
- 7. Júla, Jasenná, Czech Republic, Statek Vartovna
- 7. Júla, Šardice, Czech Republic, Revitalizačné projekty
- 8. Júla, Nová Bošáca, Slovakia, Pangea, Ľudo Vašš
- 9. Júla, Hrubý Šúr, Slovakia, Agrokruhy Jána Šlinského
- 10. Júla, Gömörszőlős, Maďarsko, Ekologický inštitút pre udržateľný rozvoj
Ďalšie informácie
Chcete byť informovaní? Sledujte nás na facebooku!
- Konferenčné prednášky budú zaznamenané, otitulkované a zverejnené online
- Z každej navštívenej farmy bude vytvorené, preložené a zverejnené krátke video
Informácie v anglickom jazyku
Keďže tlmočené budú len exkurzie po farmách, väčšina informácií na tejto stránke je ponechaná v anglickom jazyku a preložené sú len informácie relevantné k exkurziám.
Blended conference
- In-person and online presenters
- In-person and online participants
- Working language English (presentations in Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, and Ukrainian languages will be pre-recorded and translated)
Date and venue of the conference
- 11 - 13 of July, Gömörszőlős, Hungary, Ecological Institute for Sustainable Development
Read more on conference presenters and program.
Gallery of farms with permaculture elements
Conference presenters
Alfréd Szilágyi (HU) will compare sustainability of the permaculture, conventional and organic farms, Tetyana Chuchko (UA) will present Rozum garden bed technology for rapid increasing of soil fertility, and Ján Šlinský (SK) – agrocircles, today already legendary electricity-driven mechanical arms managing the soil, and sometimes carrying the farmer himself. Tamas Varga (HU) will explain about WWOOF in Hungary and in the world, and Petr Marada (CZ) will share examples of landscape revitalization and potential of its grant support. Jaman Tree (AU-SK) will present his view on permaculture as a vehicle for social and economic change, and Bogdan Popov (UA) will help to choose an appropriate sanitation technology for farms and tourism. Ben Lazar (PL) will talk about Food Sovereignty and permaculture map in Poland, and Zbigniew Janczukowicz (PL) give an experiential presentation about realities of rural life and integrating with local community. Eva Hauserova (CZ) will facilitate discussion about network of permaculture demonstration sites in Central Europe and creation of multi-national network. See extended profiles of all conference speakers and preliminary conference timetable.
Keďže náš rozpočet zahŕňa len častočne náklady organizátorov a chceme aby bola konferencia i exkurzia prístupná pre všetkých, prosíme vás o podporu týchto aktivít.
1. Bankový prevod
Meno: Permakultura (CS)
Adresa: Lipová 20, Brno, 60200, CZ
Banka: Fio banka, a.s.
Adresa banky: V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Číslo účtu: 2901176731
Mena: EUR
IBAN: CZ2420100000002901176731
Kód banky: 2010
Účel platby: Registračný poplatok [Vaše meno] ALEBO Príspevok na konferenciu
2. Platba kartou
LiqPay - Ukrajinská platforma na platbu kartou (2,75% poplatok; vyžaduje sms potvrdenie)
Registration and payment
Click here for the registration. Participation in the conference (60 participants) for the regular participants is 20 EUR/day (accommodation and food are not included: accommodation - 8 EUR/day, food - 12 EUR/day; total - 40 EUR/day), 10 EUR/day for the online participants. Free participation for the conference speakers and for five delegates from the Visegrad countries and from Ukraine who want to establish permaculture education and demonstration sites (farms). Conference speakers will be payed honorarium 60 EUR. Farm visits (25 participants) before the conference are open only for the delegates. Regular participants can have a guided tour around EISD farm (conference venue) after the conference (14th of July) for 30 EUR. Payment information will be provided after the registration.
How to get
We will rent the bus to travel between the farms - please, see the bus route in the section Conference program. Please, indicate in the registration form if you are going to come by car or if you need a car lifting - we will try to connect the passengers and drivers. We encourage you to travel by the public transport - please, check the web-sites of Slovak, Czech, Hungarian and Polish railways and bus companies (Eurolines, Eurobus, Turancar). We also recommend you to consider the option of carpooling. Detailed travel instruction will be sent to the registered participants. See detailed travel instruction.
Gömörszőlős - picturesque countryside, open-air folk museum and the range of ecological technologies. | ||
We offer a range of accommodation options during the conference:
- Three (with bathroom) or four (with shared bathroom for 8 people) beds guestrooms for 8 EUR/day.
- Single (39 EUR/day) and double (32,5 EUR/day/person) rooms in the neighbouring village - we provide a transfer.
- Free camping with your own tent.
We provide free accommodation for the conference presenters.
Please, include the cost of desired accommodation to your registration fee - we will book it for you.
Conference participants will be provided 3 meals a day from natural and local ingredients (regular, vegetarian or diet - please, indicate in the registration form) - please, indicate your preferences in the registration form. We will cover the food cost for the delegates and for the conference speakers, for the regular participants the price is 12 EUR/day.
Special needs
The conference venue is accessible for the wheelchairs. There will be limited access for the wheelchairs during the farm visits. We will provide a consecutive translation into English, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak or Ukrainian during the farm visits; short films about each farm and visited and recorded conference presentations will be supplemented with subtitles in the languages mentioned above.
We provide free participation in the event for the children below 16 and for accompanying persons. There will be an allocated room for children and the volunteer coordinator. We will compose a duty chart so that your kids will be always supervised by someone. Parents should be solely responsible for their kids and their behavior during the event.
Dogs on leads are allowed, but they should be kept away from cooking and dining areas.
Visegrad partnership “Permaculture for Farmers”
Permakultura (CS), Czech Republic |
Deep Democracy Foundation, Poland |
Permaculture SK, Slovakia |
NGO “Permaculture in Ukraine”, Ukraine |
Our partnership was created in September 2016 to share the best experience of permaculture farming and support development of the permaculture education and demonstration networks in our countries. In March 2017 we received the grant from the International Visegrad Fund which allowed us to implement the project.
All countries in our region have economy with developed agriculture sector, traditionally big ratio of rural population managing small and medium sized farms. Industrial agriculture that rely on cultivation of monocrops over big land areas destroys traditional lifestyle in the Central and Eastern Europe that was based on cooperation of small producers, local food growing and marketing, and straightforward relationship between towns and surrounding countryside based on the trust, mutual support and interdependence. Contemporary farming which requires high initial investment in machinery and agrochemicals and needs less labor force leads to abandonment of traditionally rural regions, work emigration, aging, health and social problems. Contemporary agriculture depends on intensive management, relentless availability of scarce and nonrenewable resources, and generates massive, destructive ecosystem effects.
The mission of our organizations is support and promotion of environmentally friendly agriculture, green energy and energy efficient technologies, healthy lifestyle, protection of natural and cultural heritage and development of self-sufficient communities using the instruments of permaculture (the culture, based on the principles of sustainable development) to solve actual environmental, economic and social problems. In particular, it is establishment and support of the small farms, stimulating the activity of the local communities, regional development through strengthening connection within the bioregions and creating production and economical cycles within the regions. Present project help us co create strong regional network of the permaculture demonstration farms. Initiated collaboration between the small-scale sustainable farmers and permaculture educator should trigger development of the comprehensive education program in agroecology for both permaculture organizations, vocational and higher institutions in the Visegrad region.
- Pavlo Ardanov (, +380969471612 - program coordinator and coordinator from Ukraine)
- Eva Hauserová (, +42 737537393 - coordinator from Czech Republic)
- Jozef Fekiač ( , +421907837317) - coordinator from Slovakia
- Iván Gyulai (, +3646413390) - conference organizer and coordinator from Hungary
- Robert Palusinski (, +48505476964) - coordinator from Poland
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What is permaculture
Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered on simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems. It is possible to create more resilient farms requiring less labour and resource input by establishing functional relationships between the elements. Permaculture farming is a noble occupation changing our land management from destructive to nature restoring, connecting farmers and citizens in the mutually supportive community. Read more about permaculture.